Hello, and welcome to my Page Full o' Fun. This one's about handwriting analysis, or, as it is commonly called, graphology. I've been doing it for about 15 years, although I have gotten away from it and don't keep up with the latest research. Originally, I trained at the International Graphoanalyis Society in Chicago, then studied with the now-late Felix Klein of the National Institute for Graphology.
Since I don't do analysis that much anymore, if you want your writing analyzed, it's best that you learn to do it yourself. One of the best, older, classic books is Graphoanalysis by Milton Newman Bunker. His is especially interesting because it is his autobiography. Two others I can recommend are Michael Watts' Lovescript and Andrea McNichol's Handwriting Analysis: Putting it to Work for You. These three are all the ones you need. You can get all of them cheaply, used, at Amazon for a few bucks. You can click on the blue links if you want to buy them.
Bunker was the founder of the International Graphoanalyis Society (IGAS). Klein was the founder of the National Institute for Graphology. Klein had been in a Nazi concentration camp during WWII, where he had kept himself alive by analyzing the handwriting of the guards and the letters written to them by their wives. Later he said he sometimes didn't tell the whole truth, since the letters showed some of the wives weren't being faithful. Such is the power of analysis.
This page is strictly for fun. Please don't learn to identify the traits on it and start telling people what you see in their handwriting. You're not qualified, and sooner or later you will make someone mad. But it is very useful that you learn to recognize these traits. Knowing them can save you a lot of grief.
I'm just going to cover some of the best and worst traits. You can find these traits in your own handwriting, and the handwriting of those you know, and decide for yourself whether there is any truth to what I write here.
Sense of humor
A sense of humor is shown by a beginning stroke such as is shown on the M illustrated here. Almost always this stroke is either on the M or N, either capital or small. The last one on the right, which has an angle, shows a sense of humor that has somewhat of a bite to it. Still, this is always a good trait to have, so be on the lookout for it.
Generosity is shown by long finals on the ends of the letters. It usually happens with the lower-case "y"s and "g"s. since they lend themselves easily to making this stroke. This can be a good or bad trait. If someone is very generous and gives away all your stuff, then that's not exactly a good trait. But in general, being generous is a positive trait: it is better to he generous than stingy. The longer the tail, the more generous the person is. The more tails exists at the ends of letters, the more generous the person.
This little nasty is oftentimes called a "stinger." Its meaning: manipulation. It oftentimes signifies anger at the opposite sex. It also often means the possesser likes a challenge concerning the other sex. Bill Clinton makes this. Not a good trait. Who likes to have someone try to manipulate you because they're angry at the sex to which you happen to belong? It looks like a little double-hook, and is usually inside the lower-case "o"s, "a"s, "c's, and "d"s.
The intensity of this trait (and all traits) is due to its frequency in the letters. Its strength can be increased because of the influence of other "bad" traits, or decreased by the influence of other "good" traits. This is why you should not analyze anyone's handwriting and tell them about it. It takes a lot of knowledge. Say that the Stinger exists in one out of every 100 letters. That's not too bad. Say it exists in one out of every five. That's not so good. But if many other "good" traits exists, they will decrease the strength of the influence of the Stinger. This is why you should really only analyze your own handwriting. A little knowledge truly is a dangerous thing.
Sensitivity to Criticism
This "d" means "sensitive to criticism." The stem on the lower-case "d" shows pride. Good pride is a stem two to two-and-one-half times the height of the lower-case letters. More than two-and-one-half times high, and it turns into vanity. When the stem of the "d" is looped, imagination is added. Pride plus imagination equals sensitivity to criticism. Actually, the writer is imagining criticism that is not there. The larger and higher the loop, the more criticism is imagined. At times you can say the writer is paranoid. Never, ever criticize someone who makes these loops. Never, never, never. It will do go good whatsoever.
Left Slant
Jealousy in indicated by a small, clockwise circle at the beginning of a letter. Usually it's the capital M. It's always clockwise, never counterclockwise. Some people have a tendency to make that mistake. The small, clockwise loop means "wants to be important to one person."
The Maniac d
The one is known as the "maniac d." O.J. Simpson makes it, as does the '60s Zodiac killer, who was the basis for the killer in the movie, Dirty Harry, and Mohammed Atta, who piloted a plane into the World Trade Center, made it. This trait is indicated by the stem of the small "d," when it falls over to the right. This stem on the small "d" indicates pride. When it falls to the right like this, it means the writer is highly influenced emotionally by his pride. Insults to his pride--bam.
My Hero, Henery Hawk
Okay, you see that PayPal button down there? I want everyone to click on it and pony up one dollar (it used to be 50 cents, but people were using credit cards, and Paypal charges for them, so I had to up the amount. Actually, 50 cents is fine for anything but a credit card.). I wrote this page, and darn it, it's entertaining and informative, so I deserve to get paid. And that's an order, dammit! I figure if I can get $11 a month it'll pay for my Internet service. How about "please"? "Pretty please with sugar on top"? Are you gonna donate all polite-like, or do I hafta muss you up? Don't make me remove your brain! If Henery can put the wilmer on Leghorn Foghorn, I can do it to you! Okay, um, how about a nickel?
or else Tangles the Beanie Baby gets it!
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